Teacher Training Los Angeles

Whats the vibe?

There is no one path… YUJMU is about finding your potential and sometimes that requires creative, playful ways of thinking and acting. You will find your own way to process and express the material we present to you in our trainings. We can't imagine anything more beautiful than that. YUJ: To Merge This Sanskrit root word variously translates as "to unite" or "to merge". The word and concept of Yoga comes from this word. MU: Emptiness This Japanese word is variously translated as "nothing", "not have" or "no". It is used in Zen to refer to emptiness, the way an empty tea cup has the potential to be filled by anything. This training uses lecture and guided practice to develop a conceptually diverse understanding with extensive first-hand experience. Yin Yoga brings your awareness through the tissues of your body releasing tension layer by layer. Becoming well versed in Yin Yoga is like being able to apply a deep tissue massage to your body with your mind. Making that experiential connection to all you have heard or read about Chi you can begin to find a new way to experience your body. This curriculum emphasizes the balance between Eastern (ethereal) and Western (material) sciences. With an in depth exploration of meditation, subtle anatomy and physical anatomy learn to teach the subtle qualities of Yin Yoga. Using lectures and guided practice you will develop your own strategies for teaching and working with students to guide them to listen to their body. The deeper you go with your training and self-exploration the more you can help students learn from their own bodies to create a deep tissue massage with their mind. The training consists of 4 primary formats of imbuing the content. Our focus is on practicing the content via guided Yin sessions and Meditation techniques alongside significant practice of each pose in our Asana Lab. Providing the groundwork for the practice are the lectures which are presented via projector and slide show. Dialogue plays an important role throughout in connecting the content with each student and addressing their questions. Finally the course requires some at home study prior to and during the training to ensure that the individual students are processing the material in their own way. This is accomplished through readings, journaling and an essay. There are no formal tests in the course as we maintain an ongoing evaluation of student comprehension through various means including the Teaching Practicum at the end (don’t worry we keep it super casual and are there to support you in each moment))).

Speak to Leader
  • Yoga Style:

    Yin Yoga

  • Training Levels:

    100 Hour

  • PRICE:


  • 200 HOUR LENGTH:

    10 Days Overnight Immersive

  • Location:

    Los Angeles

  • Phone/Whatsapp:


  • Email:

What’s the training like?:



Asana Focus

Philosophy Focus



Physically challenging

Not so challenging


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