world peace yoga school

Teacher Training India

Whats the vibe?

The yoga schools in Rishikesh are in a great demand nowadays. The routine practice of yoga is both spiritual as well as physical, understanding the anatomy of yoga teaches yogis about physical alignment and which muscles are engaged in each pose. When a yogi has a fundamental knowledge of bones and muscles as they are used in yoga postures, they can start to develop a deeper practice which addresses weaknesses, imbalances and strengths. One of the miracles of yoga is that many yoga poses or asanas work for your whole body. Unlike having a “legs day” or “chest day” or “arms day” at the gym, doing a regular yoga practice at yoga schools in Rishikesh or at home can easily incorporate your entire anatomy. BENEFITS OF YOGA Yoga schools in Rishikesh believe in plenty of mental and physical health benefits of yoga and encourage people to get into a routine of practicing yoga daily. Few of the benefits are mentioned below: It helps in reducing stress, including your blood pressure It aids in bringing calm and mindfulness to your busy life It helps in delaying aging It enhances fertility & reproductive health It improves your concentration It boosts your heart’s health & aid with functional strength It enhances your sleep cycle It aids in weight loss and maintenance It make you less prone to diseases It increases alertness and enthusiasm It alleviates negative feelings It improves your balance It enhances your creativity

Speak to Leader
  • Yoga Style:

    Ashtanga, , ,

  • Training Levels:

    100 Hour, 200 Hour, 300 Hour, Other

  • PRICE:


  • 200 HOUR LENGTH:

    25 Days Overnight Immersive

  • Location:


  • Phone/Whatsapp:


  • Email:

What’s the training like?:



Asana Focus

Philosophy Focus



Physically challenging

Not so challenging


this school has not added any trainings.